Friday, 31 January 2014

Heard the truth about the “Bedroom Tax”? It was Labour’s idea…

Then in October 2011...

Older people should be taxed out of their family homes to free up space for younger generations, says a report backed by Labour.
It argues that 'empty nesters' in their 60s are taking up too much room and should be 'encouraged' by a new 'land tax' to downsize to smaller homes.
The call comes from the Intergenerational Foundation, a left-leaning think-tank that aims to 'promote fairness between generations'.

Read more: 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

EU referendum leaflet

Who said;
It's been over thirty years since the British people last had a vote on Britain's membership of the European Union.
That's why the Liberal Democrats want a real referendum on Europe. Only a real referendum on Britain's membership of the EU will let the people decide our country's future.
But Labour don't want the people to have their say.
The Conservatives only support a limited referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Why won't they give the people a say in a real referendum?

drum role please....

The EU referendum leaflet that will haunt Clegg today

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Wigan Labour says Yes and No to Gambling, UKIP Wigan says make your mind up!

Orginally in 2009 wigan labour councillors were opposed to betting shops; Pub's betting shop plans met with anger

Fast forward to 2013 when wigan labour party agrees to a new bookmakers to be opened in Wigan town centre.

However the labour councillors on Wigan council voted unanimously to ban gambling involving certain types of gaming machines in that very same bookmakers on Wednesday 15th January 2013.

but..... on Friday 17th January 2013 Labour party MP Lisa Nandy was campaigning in support of gambling at Bingo Halls calling for a reduction in their taxes.

Once wigan labour party sorts out its policy on gambling will they please let ukip and the people of wigan and know.

and we hope Ms Nandy can fill in expenses better than she can count!

Top 10 myths about Britain's membership of the EU

Blown apart: the Top 10 myths about Britain's membership of the EU

MYTH 1. Britain would lose out on millions of jobs if we left the EU.
FACT: This is a common deceit. In fact, the EU would lose 4 million jobs if it ceased trading with the UK, it’s biggest customer. The EU sells more to us than we sell to it. In 2009 there was a trade deficit of £34.9bn; in 2011, that deficit was nearly £50bn.

MYTH 2. Tariff barriers will exclude us from trade with the EU.
FACT: The EU has free trade agreements with 53 countries to overcome such tariffs, and is negotiating a further 74.

MYTH 3. Britain cannot survive economically outside the EU in a world of trading blocs.
FACT: Major economies such as Japan (the world’s third largest) are not in a trading bloc. Our best trading relationships are not within the EU, but outside, with countries like the USA and Switzerland.

MYTH 4. The EU is moving towards the UK’s position on cutting regulation and bureaucracy.
FACT: Once in place, EU directives are highly unlikely to be reformed or repealed. Less than 15% of Britain’s GDP represents trade with the EU yet Brussels regulations afflict 100% of our economy. In 2010, Open Europe estimated EU regulation had cost Britain £124 billion since 1998.

MYTH 5. If we leave, we’ll have to pay the EU billions and implement all its regulations without a say.
FACT: We have little say within the EU, and would have more leverage as an independent sovereign nation. Now, we have only 8.4% of voting power ‘say’ in the EU. Our 73 MEPs are a minority within the 766 in the European Parliament.

MYTH 6. The EU has brought peace to the European continent.
FACT: It is NATO, founded in 1949 and dominated by the USA, and not the EU, that has actually kept the peace in Europe, together with parliamentary democracy. Both of which are being undermined by the EU.

MYTH 7. The EU has a positive impact on the British economy.
FACT: Industries like fishing, farming, postal services and manufacturing have been devastated by our membership of the EU which costs billions of pounds and large numbers of lost jobs thanks to red tape, substantial membership and aid contributions and other costs.

MYTH 8. We’ll lose foreign investment if we leave the EU.
FACT: In a 2010 survey on UK’s attractiveness to foreign investors, Ernst and Young found Britain remained the top Foreign Direct Investment destination in Europe thanks to the City of London and the UK’s relationship with the US.

MYTH 9. We will lose influence in the world by being outside the EU
FACT: Britain has a substantial ‘portfolio of power’: membership of the G20 and G8 Nations, a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and seats on the International Monetary Fund Board of Governors and World Trade Organisation. We are at the heart of the 54-nation Commonwealth.

MYTH 10. Legally, we can’t leave the EU.

FACT: Britain could leave the EU in a single day by repealing the European Communities Act 1972 and its attendant Amendment Acts through a single clause Bill passing through Westminster. A replacement UK/EU Free Trade Agreement would not need time-consuming negotiation on tariff reductions if it merely replicated existing EU trade arrangements

Monday, 20 January 2014

Chooo Chooo

Ukip in Wigan says that the cost of HS2 at £50 billion is far to high for the benefits returned.
Labour shadow transport Minister Mary Creagh says Thomas The Tank Engine is to blame for a lack of female train drivers because all characters are male.

Read the story here

Who has their priorities right on transport?

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Results of labour party PC correct policies...

Labour has always had one clear policy over the last 30 years, raise any kind of issue concerning minorities, race, religion (unless its Christian bashing), immigration or Europe and you're a racist.

This has drove many labour party supporters away because we want an honest discussion on the issue. In recent years thing have got so bad even labour activists are too frightened to speak up about FGM, honour kills, forced marriages, gender specific abortions (PC speak for aborting female foetuses) in case they upset the PC brigade.

Even feminist campaigners in the Labour party won't discuss the subjects, whilst it's actually NW UKIP representatives like Shneur Odze that are brave enough to stand up and voice their concerns about these predominantly female issues.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

UKIP scores two stunning Council by-election wins

We can do this on Wigan Council...

UKIP demonstrated the party’s increasing strength at grassroots level last night with two stunning by-election wins in Haverhill, winning a majority of the vote in both elections. The party took both a St Edmundsbury Borough Council seat with 54% of the vote and a Haverhill Town Council seat with 64% of the votes cast.
The party is lauding the results as a clear signal that their popularity at local level will help to pave the way for good results in the 2015 General Election, as well as in the European Elections in May.
Tony Brown, who has already been elected as a UKIP Councillor on Suffolk County Council, received 529 votes in the Haverhill East Ward last night. This was more than the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates put together.
UKIP's Paul Firman meanwhile received 630 votes, a massive 64% of the vote, defeating the Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates.
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said: "These fantastic UKIP gains highlight just how popular the party is becoming at a local level. It is a sign of UKIP's growth that voters are now turning to UKIP not just on national issues, but at local Council level as well. It’s this sort of strength at local level that is so vital for a strong performance in the 2015 general election."
Both of these wins demonstrate UKIP's increasing popularity not only on issues such as membership of the EU and immigration but with policies across the board, with voters now showing that by voting UKIP they will end up with UKIP representation on Councils.
Full Results:
St Edmundsbury Borough Council (Haverhill East)
Tony Brown (UKIP) 529 votes  54%
Pat Hanlon   (Lab)   240 votes  24%
David Roach (Con)  157 votes  16%
Ken Rolph     (LD)      54 votes      5%
UKIP gain from Con

Haverhill Town Council (Haverhill East) 
Paul Firman (UKIP) 630 votes 64%
Ken Rolph    (LD)     107 votes 11%
Liz Smith      (Lab)    229 votes 23%
UKIP gain from Con

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

United States of Europe

We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

Voters must decide for or against a United States of Europe during EU elections this spring, says vice president of the European Commission
In the run up to the springtime pan-European vote, the EU is gearing up to mount an unprecedented campaign for the hearts and minds of voters 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Wigan Council Priorities

Pines car home for disabled people allowed to fall into disarray yet wigan labour party still finds £800,000 for paid consultants,,,,