Don't forget if you're free tomorrow....
After the recent cancellation of the Pemberton Churches hustings, UKIP MP candidate for Wigan Mark Bradley working with Independent MP candidate Gareth Fairhurst has re-arranged the event. This will give the people of Wigan the opportunity they deserve to question their parliamentary candidates. All candidates have been invited to attend with Mark Bradley (UKIP), Gareth Fairhurst (Independent) and Will Patterson (Green Party) already confirming attendance.
The hustings will now be held tomorrow 21st April at 7:30pm and the venue will be Newtown Working Mens Club, WN5 0TT.
The format which has been agreed will be:
Audience questions will be submitted on entry to the venue. This is to prevent duplication.
Candidates will have 8 minutes each for an opening speech.
Members of the audience will then be asked to present their pre-submitted question.
Each candidate will then have one minute to reply to the question
Thereafter the candidates will debate the question in point. Audience participation during this process will be invited by the chair identifying individuals who wish to comment.
It is envisaged that this process for each question will take around 15 minutes. It is hoped to cover six subjects on the evening.