Saturday, 8 March 2014

Chief Executive of Wigan Council calls for local Councillors to be voted out

The Chief Executive of Wigan Council Donna Hall has launched an unprecedented attacked on local Councillors and called for electors not to vote for them in the forthcoming May local elections.

In a letter to the Wigan evening post on 7th March 2014 she criticises them heavily for misusing council resources saying ‘They waste a fortune of tax payers money on ridiculous issues, abusing the position of trust they have been placed in by voters.’ She goes on to describe their ‘obnoxious’, ‘childish behaviour’ and complains about their attitude towards staff  ‘to think they can misuse council resources, boss staff about and be obnoxious until they get their own way just because they were elected’

‘Wigan people deserve better’ she commented. Calling on the people of Wigan to throw them out of office, the Chief Executive said ‘the only way they can be removed from office is by voters recognising their behaviour is a problem and not voting for them’.

A spokesperson for UKIP in Wigan said ‘we usually expect impartiality from council staff when it comes to political matters. Many voters will be surprised that such a senior person on the council is telling them who to vote for’
‘Like a lot of people it looks like the Chief Executive has had enough of the current crop of councillors and wants change.’ ‘Every month Wigan town hall appears to be rocked by scandal. Whether its criminal investigations, dodgy expenses claims or parachuting a favoured relative into a job, they never seem to be out of the news.’ 
‘Ultimately the leader of Labour run Wigan Council, Lord Smith of Leigh, is to blame for this state of affairs, he has had years to get a grip of the situation but has failed to do so.’ ‘Donna Hall clearly thinks that local councillors need replacing, but she is now turning to voters not Lord Smith for leadership.’
‘We note Donna Hall’s recommendations to voters in May’s elections, but nevertheless it’s very disappointing to UKIP that council staff are now being forced to break with convention and enter into the political arena’

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