As usual full details have only been provided to a select few on Wigan Council (us not included). But he understands 450 houses have been designated for the area with a supermarket, industrial units and other buildings earmarked for the development.
Would you like to shape UKIP Local Policy?
UKIP is the only party that will base its policies on the views of the residents. Unlike the main political parties we believe in listening to the people. One of our key aims is to have referendums on key issues just like this one.
(Unlike the Labour party who railroad this kind of thing through and seem to have a fixation on building on every bit of green land we have, regardless of what local residents say)
As with any development there are advantages and disadvantages. The concern is of course the effect it will have on the immediate area in terms of losing the fields. The 'For' camp say more jobs may be created in the area as a plus point, but the 'Against' camp say more pressure will be put on our local amenities such as medical facilities, schools and the increase in traffic to name a few.
But as a resident (local residents only please) what do you think?
Stephen Jones our spokesperson in Bryn would like you to take our poll below and/or to the right of this blog make your views known, no names, e-mails, addresses etc required it's completely anonymous.
Lived in Bryn for years no need for more house industrial units few back handers to get planning under the radar at Wigan council so they going to fill land gate lodge in and build on green belt disgrace